Edited by Colin King
Part One – Using Fruitbox
- Part One – Using Fruitbox
- Part Two – Design Your Own Skin
- 12: Configuration (Skin) Files
- [general]
- [fonts]
- [title strips]
- [status]*
- [bitmap]*
- [spectrum]*
- [touch song]
- [touch buttons]
- ** Recognised AttractModeGenre values are…
- 12.1: Dynamic Parameter values
- 12.2: Time Values
- 12.3: Status Bitmaps
- 12.4: Status Videos
- 12.5: Spectrum Analyser
- 12.6: Fonts and Text
- 12.7: FreePlay / Coin Mode
- 12.8: Touch Song Mode / Button Touch Areas
- 12.9: Mouse Mode
- 12.10: Joystick Mode
- 12.11: Instant Play
- 12.12: Random Songs
- 12.13 : Albums / Singles Mode
- 13: Screen Layout
- 14: Sound Effects
- 15: Status Flags
- 16: GPIO Input/Output
- 12: Configuration (Skin) Files
1: Introduction
Welcome to fruitbox, a customisable, Retro MP3 Jukebox for the Raspberry Pi.
fruitbox attempts to emulate the operation of classic jukeboxes, by providing a music player which operates on the principle of presenting songs on title strips, in which the user can select a song by turning through pages of title strips, and selecting individual songs by entering a unique code for that song, which is then entered into a play queue.
The look and feel of fruitbox is provided by ‘skins’, which are human readable text files which can be created and modified by the user to create an almost infinite number of different jukebox styles.
fruitbox provides many customisable features, which are described in the ‘Configuration (Skin) File’ sections of this user guide. A very brief (and by no means exhaustive) summary of its capabilities are…
- MP3 or OGV (video) playback
- MP3 playback from local files or URL streams (internet Radio)
- Singles or Albums mode
- Coin or Freeplay mode
- Controls easily mappable to keyboards, USB controllers, GPIO, mouse or touch screens
- Random song play (attract mode) with preview and fade effects
- Output of Jukebox status via GPIO and/or text files for external status
- Generation of title strip images for printing
fruitbox is free for non-commercial use. If you enjoy using fruitbox, and would like to encourage future development, please consider making a donation to the author at https://paypal.me/rpifruitbox
2: Starting Up
fruitbox is intended to be run directly from the command line for maximum performance.
See section ‘Command Line Options’ for startup options.
Note: The above statement is from the fruitbox author Mike KIngsley, However, fruitbox can and does run fine under the correct desktop environment – see Jay Thompson’s ‘Dummies Guide To Installing Fruitbox’ for more details.
3: Operation
To run fruitbox, from the command line goto the installation directory and type ./fruitbox
fruitbox will then read the skin list in the [skins] section of the fruitbox.ini file and present you with a skin chooser to allow you to select your skin (unless there’s only one skin defined in the [skins] section. The skin chooser can be bypassed if you want to load a particular skin immediately by using the ‘–skin’ command line option and specifying a skin configuration file directly.
For example …
./fruitbox –skin skins/Wurly/fruitbox.cfg
See section ‘Configuration (Skin) Files’ for more detail about the contents of these files. After the configuration file has been read, fruitbox will create the song database by searching through the MusicPath directories (see section ‘Database Creation’). When the database has been read, fruitbox will start!
Song title strips are moved using the ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ buttons, and songs are selected using the select keys. Once a song is selected, it is added to the play queue. If no song is playing, the song at the top of the play queue is ‘loaded’, played, and then ‘unloaded’.
Control inputs (buttons) can be re-defined via an on-screen menu or direcrly editing the [buttons] section of the fruitbox ini file.
4: Command Line Options
fruitbox takes the following command line parameters…
Please note: the following cli options should be prefaced by the run command ./fruitbox eg ./fruitbox –debug-song-nums
4.1: –help
Show basic help and version information.
4.2: –version
Reports the version number.
4.3: –skin <filename>
This option determines which skin (configuration file) is used. If omitted, then fruitbox will use the [skins] section in the ini file to determine which skin to use. If more than one skin is defined in the [skins] section, then fruitbox will allow the user to choose a skin from an on-screen menu.
4.4: –ini <filename>
Name of initialisation file (defaults to ‘fruitbox.ini’ if not specified). This file contains all the non-skin specific fruitbox parameters.
4.5: –music-path <filepath>
Use the specified music path instead of the one specified in the skin or ini files. Note that the –music-path option can be specified multiple times if the user wishes to construct the database from multiple sources.
4.6: –user-guide
Create this user-guide to file “userguide.txt”.
4.7: –debug-song-nums
Show select code alongside song entries.
4.8: –no-database-refresh
Normally fruitbox will refresh the database if any database files (fruitbox.db) have a modification time earlier than the contents of the directories they are in. This option disables this check, so it is up to the user to delete the database file(s) in order for them to be refreshed.
4.9: –force-database-refresh
Normally fruitbox will refresh the database if any database files (fruitbox.db) have a modification time earlier than the contents of the directories they are in. This option overrides this check, and always refreshes the database file(s). This is useful if the user for example changes anything which is created or used when the database is created (i.e. CustomMP3Tag).
4.10: –load-playlist <filename>
Loads a playlist file and populates the play queue with the songs in it; fruitbox will begin playing the songs after it has started up.
4.11: –save-playlist <filename>
When fruitbox exits (by the user pressing the ‘Quit’ button), this option saves the contents of the play queue (and currently playing song) to the specified file. This can subsequently be loaded back into fruitbox using the ‘–load-playlist’ command line argument. The playlist file contains a list of song filenames which can easily be edited by hand to modify the playlist as required.
4.12: –dump-title-strips
This option causes every title strip to be written to a unique png image file. fruitbox will then quit without running. If fruitbox is used in a real jukebox which has real (paper) title strips and not on-screen ones, then this can be used to generate the title strips with real song data for printing out. The user can modify the style and contents of the title strips in the usual way using skin parameters. In order to supress the displaying of the actual title strips on the screen, you can just set the “Visible” flag of each title strip to “No”.
Note that the –dump-title-strips option must be used in conjunction with a specified skin (–skin option) since the title strips are defined in the skin.
4.13: –display-size <width> <height>
This option specifies the size of the display that fruitbox creates when starting up. If not specified, then the display size is auto-detected. The display size does not have to be the same as the skin size, as fruitbox will scale the skin size to match the display size.
4.14: –no-scale
Normally fruitbox will scale (resize) the skin to the display, so no matter what its size, it will always fit exactly. This option turns off the scaling so the skin will be shown at its original size (useful for debugging skin designs). The skin will be centered on the display. If the skin is smaller than the display then the skin will be surrounded by a black border, but if the skin is larger than the display, the outer edges of the skin will not be visible.
4.15: –rotate <angle>
This option allows the display to be rotated by <angle> degrees. Please note that if using a touch based skin, this will affect operation of the touch co-ordinates and the skin may have to be modified.
5. Initilisation File
When starting up, fruitbox looks for an initialisation file (default ‘fruitbox.ini’) in the same directory it is run from, which contains settings which are not skin-specific. The command line option –ini can be used to specify an alternative ini file. If no ini file is found, it will be created, and you can manually edit it later.
The following list shows each parameter in each section. Note that some of these parameters can also be changed directly from the main menu (accessible via the ‘Menu’ button).
Note that entries marked with a ‘*’ means that these groups / parameters can be defined multiple times.
Note also that if a touchscreen is detected and the [touch screen] section is not defined (or incomplete), the touch screen calibration is automatically run.
[general] | Note: This is NOT the default .ini file – It is from a working skin |
MusicPath = /mnt/usb/Music | The path to where the music and video files (mp3, ogv, m3u, pls) can include sub-directories. In this case the files are in a folder called ‘Music’ on a USB stick. *you can define multiple paths MusicPath(s) can be specified in one of three places; fruitbox ini file, skin configuration file or –music-path command line option(s). They can be defined in more than one place, but the –music-path option overrides the skin configuration file, which in turn overrides the fruitbox ini file |
CustomMP3Tag = | <name> of an MP3 ID3v2 tag the user wishes to extract to a song’s ‘Custom’ field (e.g. “TCON” is content type) This is only used during database creation |
MaxPlayQueueLength = 21 | Maximum number of songs which can be stored in the coming up queue. In this case its 20 in the queue in addition to the currently playing song |
LoopPlayQueue = No | Yes : a song is added to the back of the play queue when it has finished playing (credits permitting) * Note this option is ignored if the [general] NoDuplicates parameter is enabled in the skin configuration file |
IgnoreArtistPrefixThe = Yes | Yes : ignore ‘The ‘ beginning word in artist names enabling more accurate alphabetical sorting |
SongHistoryDepth = 20 | Determines the search range of number of previously played songs to ensure no repeated songs are chosen in Attract mode or Random selection. If not specified or set to zero, fruitbox will only check for repeated songs from within the play queue |
SongHistoryIncludeUserSelection = No | No = User selection is excluded from the history search Yes = User selection is included from the history search |
SongVolume = 80 | Initial song volume (0..100) |
SongVolumeStep = 10 | (0..100) amount changed for VolumeUp / VolumeDown buttons (if buttons used) |
ReplayGain = None | <none|track|album> (automatic gain adjustment – requires MP3 ReplayGain tag data) |
FreePlay = Yes | Yes : Credits/coins are not required to add a song to the play queue No : Yes : Credits/coins are required to add a song to the play queue |
CreditsPerCoin1 = 1 CreditsPerCoin2 = 2 CreditsPerCoin3 = 5 CreditsPerCoin4 = 10 CreditsPerCoin5 = 25 CreditsPerCoin6 = 100 | <number> Number of song credits added when a coin is inserted fruitbox can operate in free play or coin mode. In freeplay mode, no coins (or credits) need to be inserted to add a song to the play queue. In coin mode, fruitbox can support up to six coin buttons. Each coin button has its own ‘CreditsPerCoin’ value, so that fruitbox can mimic jukeboxes which have multiple coin slots, for different coin denominations. The ‘CreditsPerCoin’ value determines how many credits are added when the coin is inserted. The ‘CreditsPerSong’ parameter determines how many credits are used when a song is selected. All six ‘CreditsPerCoin’ parameters are ignored if fruitbox is in free play mode. |
CreditsPerSong = 1 | Number of song credits required to play one song |
MenuColour = 255 255 255 | <r> <g> <b> Modify the on-screen menu colour |
MenuBackgroundColour = 32 32 32 200 | <r> <g> <b> <a> Modify the on-screen menu background colour |
SkinChooserTimeout = 0.0 Seconds | <time> [ticks|seconds|minutes|hours] Time before skin chooser starts current skin if no choice made. A value of zero or not defined disables timeout |
[attract mode]
[attract mode] | Attract mode traditionally plays a section of music at regular intervals to ‘attract’ customers to deposit credits and choose songs. Attract mode can be used as an auto-play mode and toggled on/off by a defined ‘AttractMode’ button as is the case given here. The button id defined below in [buttons] section |
enable = No | Yes : a random song is played if the play queue is empty and no songs are playing |
Choice = Random | Choice <random|sorted> Determines if the songs in attract mode are selected randomly or in the order in which they are sorted |
Interval = 0.0 Minutes | Interval <time> [ticks|seconds|minutes|hours] The time between a random song being selected and played after the last song has finished playing |
MaxVolume = 80 | <0 to 100> Maximum volume of attract mode song (with respect to current volume level) |
FadeIn = 0.0 Seconds | <time> [ticks|seconds|minutes|hours] Length of fade in time of attract mode song (0 = no fade in) |
FadeOut = 0.0 Seconds | <time> [ticks|seconds|minutes|hours] Length of fade out time of attract mode song (0 = no fade out) |
FadeInPosition = 0.0 Seconds | <time> [ticks|seconds|minutes|hours] Start time of attract mode song |
FadeOutPosition = 0.0 Seconds | <time> [ticks|seconds|minutes|hours] Stop time of attract mode song |
SkipLoad = No | <yes|no> Yes : attract mode songs don’t invoke load / unload sequences |
[skins] | Skins can be defined multiple times in multiple locations |
File = /mnt/usb/skin/fruitbox.cfg | Fruitbox will first check for a skin config file on the USB stick before loading configs from the sd card. This is handy for special occasion skins etc |
File = skins/Rock-Ola-507-Wallbox/fruitbox.cfg File = skins/WoodysJukebox/fruitbox.cfg #File = skins/AlbumPlayer/fruitbox.cfg File = skins/Aluminium/fruitbox.cfg File = skins/BigBobsMillions/fruitbox.cfg File = skins/CDPlayer2000/fruitbox.cfg #File = skins/City-II-1080/fruitbox.cfg | The additional chosen skins will be displayed in order in the skin chooser. Commenting out with a ‘#’ will prevent those particular skins from showing in the skin chooser. |
Input Control Buttons The fruitbox input controls can be modified via the Controls menu. By default, the buttons are mapped to keyboard keys (see section ‘Default Buttons’), but each key can be re-mapped to any of the following… 1. Keyboard key 2. GPIO input pin 3. USB game controllers (joystick stick / button) 4. Region on touch screen | |
[buttons] | Note: These are not the default buttons – this is an actual .ini from one of my builds. Buttons are configured from within fruitbox interface – press tab to open menu |
Quit = KEY_ESC | <name> of button (quit fruitbox to pi desktop or cli depending on chosen installation) |
Coin1 = KEY_F1 Coin2 = KEY_F2 Coin3 = KEY_F3 Coin4 = KEY_F4 Coin5 = KEY_F5 Coin6 = KEY_F6 | <name> of button (insert coin) |
VolUp = KEY_EQUAL VolDown = KEY_MINUS | <name> of button (change volume) |
Random = KEY_SPACE | <name> of button (select random song) Adds a random song to play queue |
Select = KEY_ENTER | <name> of button (play selected song) |
Skip = BTN_BASE | <name> of button (stop current song) Skips to next track if there is one in the play queue or if in Autoplay mode |
Pause = BTN_THUMB2 | <name> of button (pause/unpause currently playing song) |
Up = KEY_UP Down = KEY_DOWN | <name> of button (joystick selector) <name> of button (joystick selector) |
Left = BTN_TOP2 Right = BTN_TOP | <name> of button (move title_strips/joystick selector) <name> of button (move title_strips/joystick selector) |
LeftScreen = KEY_LEFTBRACE RightScreen = KEY_RIGHTBRACE | <name> of button (move title_strips by ‘ScreenJump’ amount) |
LeftSort = KEY_COMMA RightSort = KEY_DOT | <name> of button (move title_strips by last ‘SortSongsBy’ value) The sort sections start with a new letter of the alphabet corresponding to the last SortSongsBy value. For example, if the last SortSongsBy = Artist, and the currently displayed artists begin with ‘B’, then pressing ‘LeftSort’ will move to the screen which contains the first title strip which contains the first Artist beginning with the letter ‘A’ |
AttractMode = BTN_PINKIE | <name> of button (toggle Attract mode on/off) |
LoopQueue = KEY_F11 | <name> of button (toggle Loop mode on/off) |
FreePlay = KEY_F12 | <name> of button (toggle Freeplay mode on/off) |
ClearQueue = BTN_BASE2 | <name> of button (empties current play queue of all songs) |
Mute = KEY_LEFTCTRL | <name> of button (volume mute) |
PowerOff = BTN_BASE3 | <name> of button (power off – Shuts down pi, but does not remove power) |
Select0 = GPIO_5 Select1 = GPIO_2 Select2 = GPIO_3 Select3 = GPIO_4 Select4 = GPIO_7 Select5 = GPIO_8 Select6 = GPIO_15 Select7 = GPIO_0 Select8 = GPIO_6 Select9 = GPIO_1 | <name> of button (song selection) |
SelectA = KEY_A SelectB = KEY_B SelectC = KEY_C SelectD = KEY_D SelectE = KEY_E | <name> of button (song selection) |
Flag1 = KEY_F7 Flag2 = KEY_F8 Flag3 = KEY_F9 Flag4 = KEY_F10 | <name> of button (toggle status flag) |
Menu = KEY_TAB | <name> of button (fruitbox menu) |
Search = KEY_SLASH | <name> of button (song search/filter) |
Mouse = BTN_LEFT | <name> of button (mouse select) |
Screenshot = KEY_RIGHTALT | The ‘Screenshot’ button is used to capture the screen, and write the image to ‘screenshot.jpg’ in the skin directory by default or the value of the ‘Screenshot’ parameter in the skin configuration file. |
[touch screen]
[touch screen] | |
Enable = No | <yes|no> Yes : touch screen control is enabled |
For touch screen buttons, the touch areas are defined in the skin file (fruitbox.cfg) itself, using the [touch buttons] section, because these are skin-related. If any buttons are defined in the skins’ [touch buttons] section and a touch screen is detected, the user-defined mapping for that button is ignored and set to touch input. |
[mouse] | If the mouse is defined and enabled in the [mouse] section of the ini file, then mouse mode is activated. This mode allows a mouse to be used to select songs in a similar way to touch mode, in that touch areas and touch song operation is activated, but responsive to the mouse pointer and left mouse button in addition to touch input. This allows all skins designed for touch to be used without touch devices. |
Enable = No | <yes|no> |
Bitmap = | <filename> of graphic image (bmp, png, tga, jpg, pcx) graphic file for mouse pointer |
Size = 0 0 | <width> <height> (in pixels) |
Angle = 0 | <angle> of object in degrees (0..359) |
Tint = 255 255 255 255 | <r> <g> <b> <a> (modify the objects colour) |
HorizontalFlip = No | <yes|no> flip object horizontally |
VerticalFlip = No | <yes|no> flip object vertically |
HotSpot = 0 0 | <x> <y> (offset in pixels from top left corner of mouse pointer which corresponds to the click position) |
Sensitivity = 1.0 | <0.0 .. > sensitivity of mouse movement (1.0 nominal, higher is more sensitive) |
HideAfter = 5.0 Seconds | <time> [ticks|seconds|minutes|hours] (Hide inactive mouse pointer after this time. 0 = don’t hide) |
[joystick] | If a [joystick] object is specified in the ini file, then joystick mode is activated. This allows a song to be chosen using the ‘Up’, ‘Down’, ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ buttons instead of entering the select code, and is useful for running fruitbox in arcade cabinets for example, where buttons are limited. Pressing the ‘Select’ button will then add that song to the play queue (AutoSelect mode is disabled when joystick mode is active). |
Enable = No | <yes|no> |
DisableTitleStripFlip = No | <yes|no> Yes : Title Strip flipping is prevented using left/right in joystick mode |
Bitmap = | <filename> of graphic image (bmp, png, tga, jpg, pcx) |
Size = 0 0 | <width> <height> (in pixels) |
Angle = 0 | <angle> of object in degrees (0..359) |
Tint = 255 255 255 255 | <r> <g> <b> <a> (modify the objects colour) |
HorizontalFlip = No | <yes|no> flip object horizontally |
VerticalFlip = No | <yes|no> flip object vertically |
Offset = 0 0 | <x> <y> (offset in pixels from top left corner of joystick highlight in song title region) |
6. Skin Selection
If fruitbox is run with the –skin <file> command line option, that skin will be immediately loaded and used.
If no –skin option is specified, fruitbox will invoke the skin chooser for you to select a skin from the list of skins specified in the [skins] section of the ini file.
If the [skins] list contains only one entry, then the skin chooser is not invoked and the skin immediately loaded, in the same way as if it were specified from the –skin command line argument.
7. Database Creation
Once fruitbox has read the skin file and found no problems, it will try to load the music database.
The database is built from multiple ‘fruitbox.db’ files which are created in each sub-directory in the MusicPath(s) which contain music files (mp3, ogv, m3u, pls). Each fruitbox.db file contains a list of music files in that directory, along with their extracted metadata (mp3 tags).
If fruitbox finds music files without an accompanying fruitbox.db file, it will create a fruitbox.db file in that directory.
This may take some time as fruitbox extracts the metadata from the music file(s), but only needs to be done once, so subsequent fruitbox start-ups will be much faster. If fruitbox detects that an existing fruitbox.db file has been modified earlier than the directory it is in (for example if music files have been added or removed), it will automatically refresh the fruitbox.db file (unless the –no-database-refresh command line option is specified).
MusicPath(s) can be specified in one of three places; fruitbox ini file, skin configuration file or –music-path command line option(s). They can be defined in more than one place, but the –music-path option overrides the skin configuration file, which in turn overrides the fruitbox ini file.
The database files can be edited by hand in a standard text editor if you have small changes to make or are feeling brave! This can be useful if you wish to tweak the song details, without having to re-generate the database from scratch. Note that the song order in the database files are irrelevant; after fruitbox has read the songs from the database files it will sort them according to the ‘SortSongsBy’ configuration parameter(s).
7.1: MP3 File Support
During database creation, any file in the MusicPath (or sub-directories) with .mp3 extension will be added to the database. fruitbox will extract the mp3 metadata tag values (title, artist, album, etc.) from the files and store these details in the database files for faster subsequent start-up of fruitbox.
7.2: Video (OGV) File Support
fruitbox can play video files if they are in ogv format (Vorbis + Theora). During database creation, any file in the MusicPath (or sub-directories) with .ogv extension will be added to the database. fruitbox cannot extract metadata from the ogv files, so will extract the artist and song title name from the filename if the filename (excluding .ogv extension) has the format “Artist – Title”, and set all other fields (album, genre, etc) to Unknown. The user can subsequently edit the database file to manually add meaningful names to the unknown fields.
Any video format can be converted to ogv format using for example ffmpeg with the following options for specifying the video bitrate and video picture size…
ffmpeg -i MyVideo.mp4 -b:v 2M -vf scale=640×480 MyVideo.ogv
NOTE: ffmpeg versions above 4.1 onwards seem to cause corruption of the video. It is recommended to use ffmpeg version 4.0.2 (or older) … see: https://www.videohelp.com/software/ffmpeg/old-versions
Since the video decoding process is quite CPU intensive, it is recommended that a Quad core Pi is used (Model 2 or 3) with a good PSU (at least 2 Amps) when running fruitbox and skins with video content, and the display resolution is kept low (less than 1024×768).
7.3: MP3 Stream (Internet Radio) Support
fruitbox can play mp3 files sourced from url streams (internet radio). During database creation, any file in the MusicPath (or sub-directories) with .pls or .m3u extensions will be added to the database.
For .m3u files, fruitbox will first extract the Artist and Title names from the #EXTINF entries (if in the format “Artist – Title”). For .pls files, for each File* entry, fruitbox will first extract the Title from it’s corresponding Title* entry.
For both .m3u and .pls files, fruitbox will request the ICY Header from the stream server (during database creation) and, if available, assign the icy-name to the Title name, and the icy-description to the Artist name. During playback of mp3 streams, fruitbox will extract ICY (SHOUTcast) metadata to display real-time StreamTitle information (ie. currently playing song).
Note: .pls and .m3u files for internet radio stations can be found on the internet. A good source is https://www.internet-radio.com/
8: Input Control Buttons
The fruitbox input controls can be modified via the Controls menu. By default, the buttons are mapped to keyboard keys (see section ‘Default Buttons’), but each key can be re-mapped to any of the following…
1. Keyboard key
2. GPIO input pin
3. USB game controllers (joystick stick / button)
4. Region on touch screen
For touch screen buttons, the touch areas are defined in the skin file itself, using the [touch buttons] section, because these are skin-related. If any buttons are defined in the skins’ [touch buttons] section and a touch screen is detected, the user-defined mapping for that button is ignored and set to touch input.
8.1: Default Buttons
The button controls are mapped to the following keyboard keys by default, but can be re-mapped to other keyboard keys, GPIO inputs, USB game controllers or touch screen inputs defined in the fruitbox ini file.
Keyboard Key fruitbox button Description
————— ——————- ————————–
LEFT : Left ………….. Move title strips left
RIGHT : Right …………. Move title strips right
[ : LeftScreen …….. Move to previous screen
] : RightScreen ……. Move to next screen
, : LeftSort ………. Move to prev sort section*
. : RightSort ……… Move to next sort section*
UP : Up ……………. Move song selection up (joystick mode only)
DOWN : Down ………….. Move song selection down (joystick mode only)
0 to 9 / A to Z : Select0..SelectZ .. Song selection
ENTER : Select ………… Select song
F1 : Coin1 …………. Insert coin
F2 : Coin2 …………. Insert coin
F3 : Coin3 …………. Insert coinF
4 : Coin4 …………. Insert coin
F5 : Coin5 …………. Insert coin
F6 : Coin6 …………. Insert coin
F7 : Flag1 …………. Toggle status flag 1
F8 : Flag2 …………. Toggle status flag 2
F9 : Flag3 …………. Toggle status flag 3
F10 : Flag4 …………. Toggle status flag 4
SPACE : Random ………… Select random song
BACKSPACE : Skip ………….. Skip (stops currently playing song)
; : Pause …………. pause (pauses/unpauses currently playing song)
‘ : AttractMode ……. Toggle Attract Mode
F11 : LoopQueue ……… Toggle Loop mode
F12 : FreePlay ………. Toggle Free Play mode
DELETE : ClearQueue …….. Clear all songs in play queue
= : VolUp …………. Song volume up
– : VolDown ……….. Song volume down
LEFT CTRL : Mute ………….. Mute / Unmute song and sound effects
RIGHT CTRL : Screenshot …….. Take Screenshot
FORWARD SLASH : Search ………… Search Filter Menu
TAB : Menu ………….. Main Menu
ESC : Quit ………….. Quit fruitbox
SYSRQ : PowerOff ………. Power off Raspberry Pi
* The sort sections start with a new letter of the alphabet corresponding to the last SortSongsBy value.
For example, if the last SortSongsBy = Artist, and the currently displayed artists begin with ‘B’, then pressing ‘LeftSort’ will move to the screen which contains the first title strip which contains the first Artist beginning with the letter ‘A’.
The ‘Screenshot’ button is used to capture the screen, and write the image to ‘screenshot.jpg’ in the skin directory by default or the value of the ‘Screenshot’ parameter in the skin configuration file.
8.2: Touch Screen and Mouse Support
If a touch screen is detected and the skin is designed to support touch input, then fruitbox can use the touch screen to accept button presses.
Song selection by pressing the song title within the title strips themselves can also be supported.
The [touch screen] section in the fruitbox ini file defines the calibrated touch co-ordinates for the detected touch screen.
If no calibration values are present in the ini file, fruitbox will automatically run the touch screen calibration on start-up. To run touch screen calibration again, simply delete the [touch screen] section in the fruitbox ini file, or select ‘Calibrate Touchscreen’ through the Main menu ‘Controls’ option.
If no touch screen is detected but a [mouse] is defined in the fruitbox ini file, then if a mouse is connected it can be used instead of a touch screen, using the touch defined areas in the skin file.
Parameters in the [mouse] section of the ini file can be used to modify the look and behaviour of the visible mouse pointer.
9: On-screen Menus
Buttons ‘Menu’ and ‘Search’ provide access to on-screen menus. Each menu can be controlled directly by touch if a touchscreen is installed, or via the buttons or mouse if not. For mouse or touch operation, an on-screen keyboard is displayed, otherwise the mapped fruitbox buttons are used. In the latter case, the Left and Right keys are used to choose the menu option(s), any other button will select it.
After selection, the value can be changed by using left/right (boolean or numeric values), or buttons ‘0’ to ‘9’ and ‘A’ to ‘Z’ for strings. For string entry, ‘Left’ is used to delete the last character and ‘Right’ is used to insert a space. Any other button will exit the editing mode.
9.1: Main Menu
The main menu gives access to Global Settings, Button Configuration, Software Update, About information, and Power Off.
9.2: Search Menu
The search menu allows the user to filter out songs in the database, in order to find specific songs.
Several filter fields are provided, and entering text into a field causes fruitbox to search for songs containing text within that criteria. For example…
If the text ‘Bea’ is entered into the Artist field, then fruitbox will only display Artists whose name contains ‘Bea’ (so for example, ‘The Beatles’, ‘The Beach Boys’, ‘Bronski Beat’, etc.).
If more than one field contains text, then all non-empty fields must be satisfied for the song to be displayed (i.e. Artist : Bea and Year : 1965, will only display songs if the Artist name contains ‘Bea’, and they are from 1965).
Hint: entering for example ‘198’ into the Year field will display all songs from the 1980s.
10: Troubleshooting
Poor graphics performance is usually caused by not allocating enough memory to the GPU. If the display is very sluggish, or is corrupted / flashing white, quit fruitbox and check for any ‘GetError_0x505’ messages.
These messages mean the GPU hasn’t got enough memory to create the graphics in video memory, so has to use (slower) CPU memory instead. To fix this, change the Raspberry Pi memory split using the Advanced Options in the raspi-config (type ‘sudo raspi-config’ from the command line).
256M is recommended for the GPU, but more may be needed if the skin contains lots of large graphics objects
11: Hints and Tips
Automatically run fruitbox on power up
To run fruitbox automatically on power up, add the following lines to /etc/rc.local :
cd <directory where fruitbox is installed>
./fruitbox –skin <your cfg file>
NOTE: There are several methods of getting fruitbox to automatically run on start up and is largely dependent on Rpi version and OS version – consult Jay Thompsons excellent ‘Dummies Guide’ for more complete and updated details:
Automatically mount USB memory stick on power up:
If your music is stored on a USB memory stick, you can automatically mount the USB memory stick at boot time by typing the following commands:
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/usb
sudo nano /etc/fstab
When inside the nano editor, add the following line at the end of the table…
/dev/sda1 /mnt/usb vfat defaults,nofail 0 0
Save (Ctrl-O), then Quit nano (Ctrl-X). Then in your fruitbox ini file, set the ‘MusicPath’ parameter to ‘/mnt/usb/’
Quick fruitbox style change using USB memory sticks :
As a general tip, you can store the configuration file on a USB memory stick along with the music, and run fruitbox using the command ‘./fruitbox –skin /mnt/usb/fruitbox.cfg’.
That way, you could have a complete jukebox look and feel with specific music all self-contained on the USB stick, so then all you need to do to change jukebox styles and music collections is to swap USB sticks…
Let’s Rock!
Part Two – Design Your Own Skin
If you wish to design your own skins, please read on…
- Part One – Using Fruitbox
- Part Two – Design Your Own Skin
- 12: Configuration (Skin) Files
- [general]
- [fonts]
- [title strips]
- [status]*
- [bitmap]*
- [spectrum]*
- [touch song]
- [touch buttons]
- ** Recognised AttractModeGenre values are…
- 12.1: Dynamic Parameter values
- 12.2: Time Values
- 12.3: Status Bitmaps
- 12.4: Status Videos
- 12.5: Spectrum Analyser
- 12.6: Fonts and Text
- 12.7: FreePlay / Coin Mode
- 12.8: Touch Song Mode / Button Touch Areas
- 12.9: Mouse Mode
- 12.10: Joystick Mode
- 12.11: Instant Play
- 12.12: Random Songs
- 12.13 : Albums / Singles Mode
- 13: Screen Layout
- 14: Sound Effects
- 15: Status Flags
- 16: GPIO Input/Output
- 12: Configuration (Skin) Files
12: Configuration (Skin) Files
Configuration files (skins) define the look and feel of fruitbox. A configuration file is a human-readable text file containing a list of parameters and their values.
Parameters are grouped into sections, where each section is defined by its name enclosed in square brackets, followed by the parameter list for that section.
The order of sections is not important except when the section refers to a display object, in which case the order of the sections determines the render order on the display.
A parameter is defined by specifying its name, followed by its parameter value(s). The parameter name and values can be separated by whitespace, = or :. Parameter values can be strings, numeric decimal values, or boolean values (true, false, enable, disable, on, off, yes, no, 0, 1).
Parameter values in <> brackets are compulsory, and those in [] are optional.
Comments can be included in the configuration file by prefixing any comment text with the ‘#’ character.
The following list shows all the possible parameters for each section.
If a parameter is not specified in the configuration file, fruitbox will use a default value.
Note that entries marked with a ‘*’ means that these groups / parameters can be defined multiple times.
Note: filenames for ‘MusicPath’ parameters have file paths relative to the directory fruitbox was run from, whereas filenames for all other parameters (sound files, bitmap files, status text files, font files) have paths which are relative to the directory the configuration file itself is in. This allows configuration files and their associated content files to be kept together, but easily share common MusicPath(s) with other skins.
- SkinSize <width> <height> Size of the skin (in pixels).
- The skin is scaled to match the full screen size of the display
- The skin is scaled to match the full screen size of the display
- SkinName <name> of the skin
- SkinVersion <version string> of the skin
- SkinDescription * <description> of the skin
- Screenshot <filename> of screenshot capture
- MusicPath * <filename> of path to music files (mp3, ogv, m3u, pls).
Can contain sub-directories. - SortSongsBy *
- <title|artist|album|albumArtist|year|genre|trackNumber|publisher|ISRC|custom|random|unsorted> [Descend|Ascend] optional [Descend|Ascend] is sort direction (Ascend if not specified)
- <title|artist|album|albumArtist|year|genre|trackNumber|publisher|ISRC|custom|random|unsorted> [Descend|Ascend] optional [Descend|Ascend] is sort direction (Ascend if not specified)
- NoDuplicates <yes|no>
- Prevent songs being added to the playqueue if they are already in the playqueue
- Note enabling this option disables the [general] LoopPlayQueue parameter
- DuplicatesUseCredits <yes|no>
- Determines if a selected song which is already playing or in the queue (duplicate song) uses up a credit
- Determines if a selected song which is already playing or in the queue (duplicate song) uses up a credit
- SelectButtons * List of characters for the select code for the button presses
- SelectButtonsSequence <rowcol|colrow>
- colrow : SelectButton sequences are cycled in order they are defined
- rowcol : SelectButton sequences are cycled in reverse order they are defined
- AutoSelect <yes|no>
- No : Select button needs to be pressed to select song (after the select code is entered)
- Yes : song selected immediately select code is entered
- InstantPlay <yes|no>
- No : selected song is queued in the coming up list
- Yes : selected is immediately played (and any currently playing song is stopped)
- ScreenJump <number>
- Number of screens of title strips moved in one go when ‘LeftScreen’ or ‘RightScreen’ button is pressed
- Number of screens of title strips moved in one go when ‘LeftScreen’ or ‘RightScreen’ button is pressed
- SelectTimeout <time> [ticks|seconds|minutes|hours]
- Timeout for select code to return to undefined after not detecting all the selection digits
- Timeout for select code to return to undefined after not detecting all the selection digits
- SelectHoldTimeout <time> [ticks|seconds|minutes|hours]
- Timeout for select code to return to undefined after song selected
- Timeout for select code to return to undefined after song selected
- TitleStripAutoTurnTime <time> [ticks|seconds|minutes|hours]
- Time between title_strips automatically turning (0 = no automatic title strip turn)
- Time between title_strips automatically turning (0 = no automatic title strip turn)
- AttractModeGenre * <name>
- Nameof Genre. Pressing AttractMode button will cycle through all AttractModeGenre definitions (and ‘Off’ and ‘Any’) and only select a random song from that Genre **
- Nameof Genre. Pressing AttractMode button will cycle through all AttractModeGenre definitions (and ‘Off’ and ‘Any’) and only select a random song from that Genre **
- SongsPerTitleStrip <number>
- Numberof song entries on each song title strip
- Numberof song entries on each song title strip
- AlbumMode <yes|no>
- Yes : Songs are grouped and selected by Album
- No : Songs are selected individually
- TitleStripSize <width> <height> (in pixels)
- Size of each song title strip
- Size of each song title strip
- TitleStripBackground <filename> [genre]
- Filename of graphic image (bmp, png, tga, jpg, pcx) to be used as the title strip background
- Optional Genre string is name of genre specific title strip background
- PairSongs <yes|no|dual>
- No : each song in a title strip is listed with its artist line
- Yes : two songs are displayed (above and below) the artist line only if they are by the same artist
- Dual : two songs are displayed (above and below) the artist line regardless of artist
- TitleStripMoveStyle <effect> <speed> <fading>.
- See section ‘TitleStrips’
- See section ‘TitleStrips’
- SongDescription <string>
- Defining the song description for the song entry (first in a pair) in the title_strips.
- Can contain a mixture of fixed text and reserved keywords.
- See ‘TitleStrips section’ for details
- PairedSongDescription <string>
- Defining the song description for the second song in a pair
- NOTE: In Albums mode ([general] AlbumMode = yes) this determines the Album Title line
- ArtistDescription <string>
- Defining the artist description in the title_strips (same values as ‘SongDescription’)
- Defining the artist description in the title_strips (same values as ‘SongDescription’)
- MatchedArtistDescription <string>
- Used instead of ‘ArtistDescription’ if the artists of the songs in a pair are the same (or the second song in a pair is absent)
- Used instead of ‘ArtistDescription’ if the artists of the songs in a pair are the same (or the second song in a pair is absent)
- ExtraDescription * <string>
- Defining the extra description in the title_strips (same values as ‘SongDescription’)
- Note that each entry must have a corresponding “ExtraText” entry
- SongLoadTime <time> [ticks|seconds|minutes|hours]
- The time the song takes to load (from removing from the coming up queue to starting to play)
- The time the song takes to load (from removing from the coming up queue to starting to play)
- SongUnloadTime <time> [ticks|seconds|minutes|hours]
- The time the song takes to unload (from finishing playing to the next song in the queue loading)
- The time the song takes to unload (from finishing playing to the next song in the queue loading)
- SongText <font> <colour (r g b a)> <alignment> <capitalise> <mode> <quoted> <offset (x y)> <max_width>
- Text style for Song title in song title strip. See section ‘Fonts and Text’
- Text style for Song title in song title strip. See section ‘Fonts and Text’
- PairedSongText <font> <colour (r g b a)> <alignment> <capitalise> <mode> <quoted> <offset (x y)> <max_width>
- Text style for the paired Song title in song title strip. See section ‘Fonts and Text’
- Text style for the paired Song title in song title strip. See section ‘Fonts and Text’
- ArtistText <font> <colour (r g b a)> <alignment> <capitalise> <mode> <quoted> <offset (x y)> <max_width>
- Text style for Artist name in song title strip. See section ‘Fonts and Text’
- Text style for Artist name in song title strip. See section ‘Fonts and Text’
- AlbumText <font> <colour (r g b a)> <alignment> <capitalise> <mode> <quoted> <offset (x y)> <max_width>
- Text style for Album name in song title strip. See section ‘Fonts and Text’
- Text style for Album name in song title strip. See section ‘Fonts and Text’
- ExtraText * <font> <colour (r g b a)> <alignment> <capitalise> <mode> <quoted> <offset (x y)> <max_width>
- Text style for the extra text field(s) in song title strip. See section ‘Fonts and Text’
Note that this must be defined for each definition of “ExtraDescription”
- Text style for the extra text field(s) in song title strip. See section ‘Fonts and Text’
- AlbumArtSize <width> <height>
- Size in pixels)
- Size in pixels)
- AlbumArtOffset <x> <y>
- Offset from top left hand corner of songs title strip (in pixels)
- Offset from top left hand corner of songs title strip (in pixels)
- AlbumArtAngle <angle>
- Angle of Album artwork in degrees (0..359)
- Angle of Album artwork in degrees (0..359)
- AlbumModeLineSpacing <gap> (in pixels) between song titles in the albums song title_strips
- NowPlayingMissingArtwork <filename>
- Filename of graphic image (bmp, png, tga, jpg, pcx) to be used if NowPlayingArtworkMode = ‘Specified’,or no song artwork is found and NowPlayingArtworkMode = ‘Auto’
- Filename of graphic image (bmp, png, tga, jpg, pcx) to be used if NowPlayingArtworkMode = ‘Specified’,or no song artwork is found and NowPlayingArtworkMode = ‘Auto’
- AlbumModeMissingArtwork <filename>
- Filename of graphic image (bmp, png, tga, jpg, pcx) to be used if AlbumModeArtworkMode = ‘Specified’,or no song artwork is found and AlbumModeArtworkMode = ‘Auto’
- Filename of graphic image (bmp, png, tga, jpg, pcx) to be used if AlbumModeArtworkMode = ‘Specified’,or no song artwork is found and AlbumModeArtworkMode = ‘Auto’
- NowPlayingArtworkMode <none|embedded|folder|specified|logo|a>
- none : don’t show artwork,
- embedded : use image in MP3 file,
- folder : use ‘folder.jpg’ in song directory,
- specified : use MissingArtwork image,
- logo : use fruitbox logo,
- auto : use embedded/folder/missing/logo if available
- AlbumModeArtworkMode <none|folder|specified|logo|auto>
- none : don’t show artwork,
- folder : use ‘folder.jpg’ in song directory,
- specified : use MissingArtwork image,
- logo : use fruitbox logo,
- auto : use folder/missing/logo if available
File * <filename> <height> font to add to the font pool (ttf, opentype, type1, CID, CFF, fon, fnt, x11, pcf)
[title strips]
- Visible <yes|no>
- Makes the object visible or invisible
- Makes the object visible or invisible
- Position <x> <y> (in pixels)
- Clip <x> <y> <width> <height> (in pixels)
- Angle <angle> of object in degrees (0..359)
- MoveDelay <delay>
- Delay in video frame ticks) between left/right button press and title strip moving
- Delay in video frame ticks) between left/right button press and title strip moving
- MoveReverse <yes|no>
- Reverse the direction of the title strip movement
- Reverse the direction of the title strip movement
- HorizontalFlip <yes|no>
- Flip Object Horizontally
- Flip Object Horizontally
- VerticalFlip <yes|no>
- Flip object Vertically
- Flip object Vertically
- Tint <r> <g> <b> <a>
- Modify the objects colour
- Visible <yes|no>
- Makes the object visible or invisible
- Makes the object visible or invisible
- Size <width> [dynamic] <height> [dynamic] (in pixels)
- Position <x> [dynamic] <y> [dynamic] (in pixels)
- Clip <x> [dynamic] <y> [dynamic] <width> [dynamic] <height> [dynamic] (in pixels)
- Angle <angle> [dynamic]
- Angle of object in degrees (0..359)
- Angle of object in degrees (0..359)
- Tint <r> [dynamic] <g> [dynamic] <b> [dynamic] <a> [dynamic] (
- Modify the objects colour
- Modify the objects colour
- DynamicEnableFlag <1..4>
- Enable dynamic parameters using status flag 1..4
- Enable dynamic parameters using status flag 1..4
- HorizontalFlip <yes|no>
- Flip object horizontally
- Flip object horizontally
- VerticalFlip <yes|no>
- flip object vertically
- flip object vertically
- Contents <filename>
- Filename of text file describing status box contents
- Filename of text file describing status box contents
- Output <filename>
- Filename of output text file containing status
- Filename of output text file containing status
- Text <font> <colour (r g b a)> <alignment> <capitalise> <mode> <quoted> <offset (x y)> <max_width>
- LineSpacing <gap> (in pixels)
- Spacing between text lines in the status box
- Spacing between text lines in the status box
- LoopVideo <yes|no>
- Start video from beginning after it finishes
- Start video from beginning after it finishes
- TimerTickPeriod <time>
- Time (in video frame ticks) of status box timer period
- Time (in video frame ticks) of status box timer period
- TimerOneShot <yes|no>
- Yes : timer stops after one tick
- No : timer runs indefinitely (default)
- TimerEnable <yes|no>
- Yes : timer initially enabled (default)
- No : timer initially disabled)
- BitmapDirectory <location>
- Location of image files (bmp, jpg, png)
- Location of image files (bmp, jpg, png)
- Bitmap * <filename>
- Filename of graphic image (bmp, png, tga, jpg, pcx)
- Filename of graphic image (bmp, png, tga, jpg, pcx)
- Video <filename>
- Filename of video clip (ogv)
- Filename of video clip (ogv)
- Sound <filename>
- Filename of sound effect (wav, flac, ogg) <volume (0..100)> [loop (Yes|No)]
Visible <yes|no>
makes the object visible or invisible
Size <width> [dynamic] <height> [dynamic] (in pixels)
Position <x> [dynamic] <y> [dynamic] (in pixels)
Clip <x> [dynamic] <y> [dynamic] <width> [dynamic] <height> [dynamic] (in pixels)
Angle <angle> [dynamic] of object in degrees (0..359)
Tint <r> [dynamic] <g> [dynamic] <b> [dynamic] <a> [dynamic]
Modify the objects colour
DynamicEnableFlag <1..4>
Enable dynamic parameters using status flag 1..4
HorizontalFlip <yes|no>
Flip object horizontally
VerticalFlip <yes|no>
Flip object vertically File <filename> of graphic image (bmp, png, tga, jpg, pcx)
Visible <yes|no>
Makes the object visible or invisible
Size <width> [dynamic] <height> [dynamic] (in pixels)
Position <x> [dynamic] <y> [dynamic] (in pixels)
Clip <x> [dynamic] <y> [dynamic] <width> [dynamic] <height> [dynamic] (in pixels)
Angle <angle> [dynamic] of object in degrees (0..359)
Tint <r> [dynamic] <g> [dynamic] <b> [dynamic] <a> [dynamic]
Modify the objects colour
DynamicEnableFlag <1..4>
Enable dynamic parameters using status flag 1..4
HorizontalFlip <yes|no>
Flip object horizontally
VerticalFlip <yes|no>
Flip object vertically
Bitmap <filename> of band(s) graphic image (bmp, png, tga, jpg, pcx)
Band * <number (0..31)> [gain (1.0 nominal)] [offset (x y)] [tint (r g b a)]
Settings of visible frequency band
Note: the tint is applied in addition to the global [spectrum] Tint
Mode <scaled|clipped|position>
Bitmap draw mode
Channel <left|right|both>
Decay <value> speed of peak decay (0=instant)
[touch song]
Bitmap <filename> of graphic image (bmp, png, tga, jpg, pcx).
Image to overlay on title strip song name when touched
Note: Defining this parameter will enable touch song mode
Offset <x> <y>
Offset in pixels from top left corner of song touch highlight in song title region
Size <width> <height> (in pixels)
If not specified the size will be set to cover the song title exactly
Angle <angle> of object in degrees (0..359)
HorizontalFlip <yes|no>
Flip object horizontally
VerticalFlip <yes|no>
Flip object vertically
Tint <r> <g> <b> <a>
Modify the objects colour
[touch buttons]
Quit <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
Coin1 <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
Coin2 <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
Coin3 <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
Coin4 <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
Coin5 <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
Coin6 <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
VolUp <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
VolDown <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
Random <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
Select <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
Skip <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
Pause <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
Up <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
Down <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
Left <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
Right <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
LeftScreen <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
RightScreen <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
LeftSort <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
RightSort <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
AttractMode <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
LoopQueue <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
FreePlay <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
ClearQueue <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
Mute <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
PowerOff <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
Select0 <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
Select1 <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
Select2 <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
Touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched
Select3 <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
Select4 <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
Select5 <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
Select6 <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
Select7 <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
Select8 <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
Select9 <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectA <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectB <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectC <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectD <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectE <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectF <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectG <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectH <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectI <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectJ <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectK <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectL <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectM <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectN <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectO <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectP <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectQ <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectR <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectS <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectT <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectU <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectV <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectW <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectX <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectY <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
SelectZ <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
Flag1 <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
Flag2 <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
Flag3 <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
Flag4 <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
Menu <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
Search <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
Mouse <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
Screenshot <x> <y> <width> <height> [bitmap]
(touch area of button, optional bitmap to draw when touched)
** Recognised AttractModeGenre values are…
A Capella | Electric | New Romantic |
Abstract | Electro | New Wave |
Acid House | Emo | Noise |
Acid Jazz | Ethnic | Podcast |
Acid Punk | Fast Fusion | Porn |
Acoustic | Folk | Post-Punk |
Alternative | Folklore | Post-Rock |
AlternRock | Folk-Rock | Power Ballad |
Ambient | Freestyle | Pranks |
Anime | Funk | Primus |
Art Rock | Funk | Progressive Rock |
Audio Theatre | Fusion | Psychedelic |
Audiobook | Game Sound Clip | Psychedelic Rock |
Avantgarde | Gangsta Rap | Psytrance |
Ballad | Gangsta Rap | Punk |
Baroque | Garage | Punk Rock |
Bass | Global | R&B |
Beat | Goa | Rap |
Bebop | Gospel | Rap Pop |
Bhangara | Gothic | Rave |
Big Beat | Gothic Rock | Reggae |
Black Metal | Groove | Retro |
Bluegrass | Grunge | Revival |
Blues | Hard Rock | Rock |
Booty Bass | Hardcore | Rock & Roll |
Breakbeat | Heavy Metal | Ryhtmic Soul |
Britpop | Hip-Hop | Salsa |
Cabaret | Humour | Samba |
Celtic | IDM | Satire |
Chamber Music | Illbient | Shoegaze |
Chanson | Indie | Showtunes |
Chillout | Indie Rock | Ska |
Chorus | Industrial | Slow Jam |
Christian | Industro-Goth | Slow Rock |
Christian | Instrumental | Sonata |
Christian Rock | Instrumental Pop | Soul |
Classic Rock | Instrumental Rock | Soundtrack |
Classical | Jam Band | Southern Rock |
Club | Jazz | Space |
Club-House | Jpop | Space Rock |
Comedy | Jungle | Speech |
Contemporary Christian | Krautrock | Swing |
Country | Latin | Symphonic Rock |
Crossover | Leffield | Symphony |
Cult | Lo-Fi | Synthpop |
Dance | Lounge | Tango |
Dance Hall | Math Rock | Techno |
Darkwave | Meditative | Techno-Industrial |
Death Metal | Merengue | Terror |
Disco | Metal | Thrash Metal |
Downtempo | Musical | Top 40 |
Dream | National Folk | Trailer |
Drum & Bass | Native American | Trance |
Drum Solo | Nbig Band | Tribal |
Dub | Negerpunk | Trip-Hop |
Duet | Neoclassical | Trop Rock |
Easy Listening | Neue Deutsch Welle | Vocal Jazz |
EBM | New Age | World Music |
12.1: Dynamic Parameter values
Dynamic parameter values (specified as [dynamic] in the above parameter descriptions), are optional values which extend the usefulness of the parameter.
They can be applied to the Position, Size, Clip, Angle and/or Tint of displayable objects, and are used to modify the parameter value in real-time.
The format of the dynamic value field is “[max_value mode <param>]”. Note the square brackets must be specified in order for the dynamic values to be recognised.
The parameter value will change between the initial value and the ‘max_value’.
How the value changes is given by the ‘mode’, which can be one of the following strings :
Size = 100 [200 ${VOLUME}] 150
…will create an object whose horizontal size ranges from 100 to 200 depending upon the volume, and whose vertical size is fixed at 150.
Position = 100 150 [250 ${SPECTRUM_BAND} 2]
…will create an object whose horizontal position is fixed at 100, and whose vertical position ranges from 150 to 250 depending upon the value of the audio spectrum frequency band number 2
Tint = 100 150 75 [255 ${RANDOM}] 200
…will create an object whose tint values red, green and alpha elements are fixed at 100, 150 and 200 respectively, but whose blue element randomly changes between 75 and 255 in real time.
12.2: Time Values
Several skin parameters are specified in terms of time. The (integer and fractional) time value can be appended with “ticks”, “seconds”, “minutes” or “hours” (defaults to ticks if no units are specified).
“ticks” refers to the number of video frame ticks. So for example at 60Hz, a time value of 120 equals 2 seconds.
When starting up, fruitbox will detect the video display and print out the frame rate (along with the resolution).
Specifying the time in ticks is useful for animation, which is synced to the video display, but otherwise it is recommended to use conventional time units for non display parameters (for example SongLoadTime) which means the time is not dependant upon the video frame rate, which can vary depending on which display device is connected and how it’s configured.
12.3: Status Bitmaps
There are two ways of specifying bitmaps in status objects…
Using one or more ‘Bitmap’ parameters. This preloads the bitmaps on startup, so the number is limited by the GPU memory, but allows for fast switching for full-frame rate animation.
Alternatively, the ‘BitmapDirectory’ can be used. This specifies a location on the file system in which image files are stored (.bmp, .jpg, .png).
fruitbox only loads these into GPU memory when needed, so is slower, but there is no limit on the number of image files. This is more suitable for use in slide-show displays for example:
Animated GIF files can be supported by splitting the GIF file into individual files (by using ‘ffmpeg -i file.gif file%02d.jpg’ for example), including them in a [status] section with multiple ‘Bitmap’ entries, and specifying the animation speed with ‘TimerTickPeriod’.
Then in your status Contents text file include the text ‘${IF_TIMER_TICK}${DRAW_BITMAP}’
12.4: Status Videos
Status boxes can be used to display either video clips or music videos.
If the Video parameter is specified in the [status] object, any reference to VIDEO in the status Contents file variables, i.e. ${DRAW_VIDEO} will refer to the video clip specified by the Video parameter.
If the Video parameter is not specified, any VIDEO $variables will refer to the currently playing song (if it’s a video file).
12.5: Spectrum Analyser
A [spectrum] object allows an audio frequency spectrum to be displayed for the mp3 songs (not ogv videos).
Multiple [spectrum] objects can be defined. Various options allow great flexibility in the visual appearance.
For example, the user has control over the look of each of the 32 possible frquency bands, and which are visible.
12.6: Fonts and Text
The configuration file [fonts] section allows multiple fonts of different sizes to be loaded and used by different display elements. This removes the need for each text definition to load it’s own font, instead referencing a specific font type and size from the ‘font pool’.
Note that the order in which the fonts are define in the [fonts] section determines their font number, starting at 1. Font number 0 is the internal fruitbox font used for the on-screen menus etc.
Text definitions ([general] ArtistText, [general] SongText, [general] PairedSongText, [general] ExtraText and [status] Text) parameters have the following arguments…
<font> <colour> <alignment> <capitalise> <mode> <quoted> <offset (x y)> <max_width>
font : number of font from ‘font pool’ (0..)
note that the fonts in the pool are numbered in the order in which they are defined in the [fonts] section of the skin configuration file
colour : red green blue alpha (0..255)
(alpha : 0 completely transparent through to 255 completely opaque)
alignment : ‘Left’, ‘Centre’ or ‘Right’
capitalise : ‘Yes’ or ‘No’
mode :
0 : text is displayed normally
-1 : Condense … wide text is horizontally squashed to fit within max_width
1..n : Scroll … text is scrolled at the specified speed (1 = slowest) if it doesn’t fit into max_width (See Note below)
quoted :
‘Yes’ (text is wrapped within double-quotes)
‘No’ text is unmodified
offset : x y
text position is shifted by these amounts in pixels
The maximum width of the text. If the text is wider than this, then it will be shrunk to the maximum width (if the ‘mode’ option is -1), or scrolled within this width (if mode > 0)
Note : scrolling text is only supported for status object text (not title strip text)
12.7: FreePlay / Coin Mode
fruitbox can operate in free play or coin mode.
In freeplay mode, no coins (or credits) need to be inserted to add a song to the play queue.
In coin mode, fruitbox can support up to six coin buttons. Each coin button has its own ‘CreditsPerCoin’ value, so that fruitbox can mimic jukeboxes which have multiple coin slots, for different coin denominations.
The ‘CreditsPerCoin’ value determines how many credits are added when the coin is inserted.
The ‘CreditsPerSong’ parameter determines how many credits are used when a song is selected.
All six ‘CreditsPerCoin’ parameters are ignored if fruitbox is in free play mode.
12.8: Touch Song Mode / Button Touch Areas
Touch Song mode is activated by defining the [touch song] Bitmap parameter, and if a touchsreen has been detected (or a mouse has been detected and enabled).
This option over-rides joystick mode if that has also been defined (using the [joystick] object).
In touch song mode, the user can touch the song title areas themselves to select a song, rather than using select buttons.
Note that the song touch areas default to the title strip area holding the song name, but their size and position can be adjusted by using the [touch song] ‘Size’ and ‘Offset’ parameters.
As well as enabling touch song mode, the [touch song] Bitmap parameter specifies an image file which is displayed over the song area when being touched.
If any button assignments are specified in the [touch buttons] section, then (if a touchscreen has been detected) that area will trigger the corresponding button press event if touched.
Furthermore, if the optional image file parameter is specified, then that image will be drawn whilst that area of the display is touched, allowing simple button press animation effects.
Note : if a button area has been defined in the [touch buttons] section, and a touch screen has been detected, then that button will be automatically configured as a touch input, over-riding any mapping in the fruitbox ini file.
12.9: Mouse Mode
If the mouse is defined and enabled in the [mouse] section of the ini file, then mouse mode is activated.
This mode allows a mouse to be used to select songs in a similar way to touch mode, in that touch areas and touch song operation is activated, but responsive to the mouse pointer and left mouse button in addition to touch input.
This allows all skins designed for touch to be used without touch devices.
12.10: Joystick Mode
If a [joystick] object is specified in the ini file, then joystick mode is activated.
This allows a song to be chosen using the ‘Up’, ‘Down’, ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ buttons instead of entering the select code, and is useful for running fruitbox in arcade cabinets for example, where buttons are limited.
Pressing the ‘Select’ button will then add that song to the play queue (AutoSelect mode is disabled when joystick mode is active).
The joystick image specified is positioned in the same place as the song title being selected, and its size is calculated to fit exactly into the region containing the song title.
Specifying the ‘Size’ parameter in the configuration file allows the size to be set manually, for example if the highlighted bitmap needs to overlap the song title region.
The ‘Offset’ parameter can then be used to adjust the position of the highlighter precisely around the song title region.
12.11: Instant Play
If the InstantPlay parameter is enabled in the skin configuration file, then the playqueue is bypassed.
When a song is selected, any currently playing song is immediately stopped, and the selected song started.
This can be useful when streaming mp3s from url sources (internet radio), which effectively have an infinite duration and hence don’t naturally stop.
If the InstantPlay parameter is enabled in the skin configuration file, then the playqueue is bypassed.
When a song is selected, any currently playing song is immediately stopped, and the selected song started.
This can be useful when streaming mp3s from url sources (internet radio), which effectively have an infinite duration and hence don’t naturally stop.
12.12: Random Songs
fruitbox can play random songs in one of two ways…
- The user pressing the ‘Random’ button
- fruitbox selecting a random song in attract mode
In either case, fruitbox will attempt to prevent songs being repeatedly played by only picking a song
if it doesn’t appear in it’s song play history and current playqueue.
The size of the history list can be changed with the ‘SongHistoryDepth’ configuration parameter. If this is large and the number of songs in the database is relatively small, then fruitbox may not be able to quickly choose a random song which has not previously been played within the history and current play queue, so will just play a random song anyway even if it already been played recently
12.13 : Albums / Singles Mode
Fruitbox has two distinct modes – Albums and Singles, specified by the ‘AlbumMode’ parameter.
In Singles mode, each song is individually selectable, and each title strip displays a number of songs (or pairs of songs), each along with the artist name.
‘ArtistText’, ‘SongText’, ‘PairedSongText’, ‘PairSongs’ and ‘SongsPerTitleStrip’ configuration parameters can be used adjust the appearance of the song details on the title strips.
In Albums mode, each title strip shows the album title, album artist, album cover art, and list of songs in the album (upto the SongsPerTitleStrip value).
One selection will add all the songs in the album to the play queue in one go (assuming, in non-freeplay mode, there are sufficient credits). ‘AlbumText’, ‘ArtistText’, ‘SongText’, ‘PairedSongText’, ‘AlbumArtSize’, ‘AlbumArtOffset’ and ‘SongsPerTitleStrip’ configuration parameters can be used adjust the appearance of the album details on the title strips.
Also note that ‘PairedSongDescription’ is used to define the contents of the line which is associated with the ‘AlbumText’ parameter, and all of the ‘Paired*’ Description values are ignored (as these are only relevant for singles mode song pairs).
13: Screen Layout
The display is built using a combination of the following objects, as defined in the skin file:
- [title strip] object : a region which contains songs
See title strips section for more details
- [bitmap] object : a region which contains a static bitmap
This can be used for background and foregrounds for example
- [status] object :
A region containing status information
See status box section for more details
- [spectrum] object :
A region containing an audio spectrum analyser
See spectrum section for more details
- [touch song] object :
A region containing a bitmap highlighting a song name when touched.
See touch song section for more details.
- [touch buttons] object(s) :
Region(s) containing a bitmap displayed when a touch button is pressed.
See touch button section for more details.
Note that there is no limit on the number of objects which can be defined.
They are rendered to the display in the order that they are defined in the skin file.
13.1: TitleStrips
TitleStrips are the regions in the display which contain the songs. In Singles mode, song titles** are listed vertically, and shown along with the artist name.
If ‘PairSongs’ is enabled, then the songs are arranged in pairs with the artist name*** shown in between them (i.e. side A/B).
In Albums mode, the title strip contains details about the album in addition to the song list (see section ‘Albums / Singles Mode’ for more details).
Songs are sorted in the order according to the ‘SortSongsBy’ configuration parameter. Songs in each title strip (in Singles mode), or title strips themselves (in Albums mode) are assigned their own unique select code. The command line option ‘–debug-song-nums’ can be used to make these codes visible; useful when developing skins.
TitleStrips automatically move and update their contents when the ‘Left’ or ‘Right’ buttons are pressed.
The look and movement of the title strips is determined by ‘TitleStripMoveStyle’ parameter in the skin file, as follows:
TitleStripMoveStyle <speed> <effect> <fade>
1..x = higher number = faster title strip turn (0 = instant)
<effect> …
0 = swipe horizontally
1 = swipe vertically
2 = reveal horizontally
3 = reveal vertically
4 = turn horizontally
5 = turn vertically
6 = dissolve
no = title strips don’t fade
yes = title strips fade to black
** The ‘SongDescription’ and ‘PairedSongDescription’ configuration parameters can be used to modify the text displayed on the song lines of the title strip(s)
‘PairedSongDescription’ is only used if ‘PairSongs’ is not set to false)
*** The ‘ArtistDescription’ configuration parameter works in the same way as the ‘SongDescription’ parameter, but affects the artist name text in the title strip(s) rather than the song title text.
Note that as well as fixed text, the *Description parameters can also contain one or more of the following reserved keywords which will be replaced by actual song details…
13.2: Status Boxes
Status Boxes provide a very flexible way of displaying real-time text-based information, fixed and animated bitmaps, video clips and sound effects.
Using the ‘Output’ parameter also allows the status information to be written to an external file to be parsed by external applications*.
Examples of status include ‘Now Playing’ information, ‘Coming Up’ song list, Select Code, Credits, etc.
Each status box defined should have a ‘Contents’ file associated with it. This is a file that contains human readable text which indicates what is drawn in the status box.
As well as fixed text, the user can also specify the following predefined variables, which represent song details and jukebox status, and also enable text and bitmaps to be conditionally drawn under many different circumstances.
The GPIO related predefined variables allow GPIO pins to be driven with high or low values under different fruitbox conditions.
* Note: outputting status to a text file can be done as well as displaying the status on the display,
or instead of (to supress the status being rendered to the display, do not define the ‘Size’ parameter (or set width and/or height to zero).
The name of the song which is currently playing
The StreamTitle of the currently playing radio program
The StreamUrl of the currently playing radio program
The name of the artist of the song which is currently playing
The name of the album of the song which is currently playing
The name of the album artist of the song which is currently playing
The track number of the song which is currently playing
The year of the song which is currently playing
The genre of the song which is currently playing
The publisher of the song which is currently playing
The ISRC of the song which is currently playing
The custom MP3 tag of the song which is currently playing
The length in mm:ss of the currently playing song
The elapsed time in mm:ss of the currently playing song
The remaining time in mm:ss of the currently playing song
The cover artwork of the currently playing song. The artwork will occupy the entire status box, and is drawn before any text. The actual artwork displayed will depend upon the value of the [general] ‘ArtworkMode’ configuration setting.
1The number of songs coming up in the play queue
The total play time in hh:mm:ss of the songs in the play queue
The title of a song in the play queue. Each time this reserved word is used, it refers to the next song after the last one referenced
The artist name of a song in the play queue. Each time this reserved word is used, it refers to the next song after the last one referenced
The album name of a song in the play queue. Each time this reserved word is used, it refers to the next song after the last one referenced
The album artist name of a song in the play queue. Each time this reserved word is used, it refers to the next song after the last one referenced
The track number of a song in the play queue. Each time this reserved word is used, it refers to the next song after the last one referenced
The year of a song in the play queue. Each time this reserved word is used, it refers to the next song after the last one referenced
The genre of a song in the play queue. Each time this reserved word is used, it refers to the next song after the last one referenced
The publisher of a song in the play queue. Each time this reserved word is used, it refers to the next song after the last one referenced
The ISRC of a song in the play queue. Each time this reserved word is used, it refers to the next song after the last one referenced
The custom MP3 tag of a song in the play queue. Each time this reserved word is used, it refers to the next song after the last one referenced
The length in mm:ss of a song in the play queue. Each time this reserved word is used, it refers to the next song after the last one referenced
The name of the song which was last played
The name of the artist of the song which was last played
The name of the album of the song which was last played
The name of the album artist of the song which was last played
The track number of the song which was last played
The year of the song which was last played
The genre of the song which was last played
The publisher of the song which was last played
The ISRC of the song which was last played
The custom MP3 tag of the song which was last played
The length in mm:ss of the song which was last played
The number of credits
The number of songs available from inserted credits
The name of the current AttractModeGenre that Attract mode will select a random song from
The number of credits added when a coin is inserted
The number of credits added when a coin is inserted
The number of credits added when a coin is inserted
The number of credits added when a coin is inserted
The number of credits added when a coin is inserted
The number of credits added when a coin is inserted
The number of credits used per song play
The song volume
The select code
The total number of songs in the database
The number of songs from the search
The number of empty spaces in the playqueue
The total number of title strips in the jukebox
The number of the first title strip visible on the display
The number of the last title strip visible on the display
The number of songs played
The total time in hh:mm:ss for the number of songs played
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified GPIO output high
Sets the specified GPIO output low
Sets the specified status flag high
Sets the specified status flag low
Sets the specified status flag high
Sets the specified status flag low
Sets the specified status flag high
Sets the specified status flag low
Sets the specified status flag high
Sets the specified status flag low
Supresses drawing of the status object
Makes the status object visible
Makes the status object invisible
Draw user defined bitmaps, as specified by the Bitmap parameter. The bitmap will occupy the entire status box, and is drawn after any text. If multiple bitmaps are defined, they will be drawn in turn, each time the ${DRAW_BITMAP} keyword is executed. Bitmaps remain visible until a ${UNDRAW_BITMAP} command is executed.
Draw a random user defined bitmap, chosen from the specified Bitmap parameters.
Undraw the bitmap
Draw the video
Undraw the video
Start video playing
Stop video playing
Pause video playing
Un-pause video playing
Stop the status TimerTick timer
Start the status TimerTick timer
Reset the status TimerTick timer
Play the sound as defined by the Sound parameter
Stop the sound as defined by the Sound parameter
Activates the text following it if Free Play mode is enabled
Activates the text following it if Free Play mode is disabled
Activates the text following it if no credits are available
Activates the text following it if credits are available
Activates the text following it if a song is currently playing
Activates the text following it if no song is currently playing
Activates the text following it if a song is currently playing via attract
Activates the text following it if no song is currently playing via attract
Activates the text following it if the song is currently playing is a local mp3 file
Activates the text following it if the song is currently playing is not a local mp3 file
Activates the text following it if the song is currently playing is a video
Activates the text following it if the song is currently playing is not a video
Activates the text following it if the song is currently playing is a streaming (internet radio) song
Activates the text following it if the song is currently playing is not a streaming (internet radio) song
Activates the text following it if a song is currently loading
Activates the text following it if no song is currently loading
Activates the text following it if a song is currently unloading
Activates the text following it if no song is currently unloading
Activates the text following it if any songs are coming up
Activates the text following it if no songs are coming up
Activates the text following it if there is another song in the play queue. This is different to the ${IF_ANY_COMING_UP} keyword because it refers to the next coming up entry rather than the complete play queue
Activates the text following it if Attract mode is enabled
Activates the text following it if Attract mode is disabled
Activates the text following it if Loop mode is enabled
Activates the text following it if Loop mode is disabled
Activates the text following it if the status timer is high. The value of ‘TimerTickPeriod’ for the status object in the configuration file determines the rate at which the timer toggles between high and low. i.e. TimerTickPeriod = 30 means the timer will be high for 30 video frames, then low for 30 video frames, repeating indefinitely
Activates the text following it if the status timer is low
Activates the text following it when the status timer ticks (each tick occurs every TimerTickPeriod video frames
Activates the text following it when the song volume is muted
Activates the text following it when the song volume is not muted
Activates the text following it when the song title_strips are moving
Activates the text following it when the song title_strips are not moving
Activates the text following it if the play queue is empty (includes currently playing song)
Activates the text following it if the play queue is not empty (includes currently playing song)
Activates the text following it if the play queue is full (includes currently playing song)
Activates the text following it if the play queue is not full (includes currently playing song)
Activates the text following it if the current song is stereo
Activates the text following it if the current song is not stereo
Activates the text following it if the current song is paused
Activates the text following it if the current song is not paused
Activates the text following it if Instant Play mode is set
Activates the text following it if Instant Play mode is not set
Activates the text following it if the last song selection was invalid
Activates the text following it if the last song selection was not invalid
Activates the text following it if the last song selection was a duplicate choice
Activates the text following it if the last song selection was not a duplicate choice
Activates the text following it if the status object is visible
Activates the text following it if the status object is invisible
Activates the text following it if the specified status flag is high
Activates the text following it if the specified status flag is low
Activates the text following it if the specified status flag is high
Activates the text following it if the specified status flag is low
Activates the text following it if the specified status flag is high
Activates the text following it if the specified status flag is low
Activates the text following it if the specified status flag is high
Activates the text following it if the specified status flag is low
Marks the end of a text section playing by the preceding $IF_
Complement to previous $IF condition
Activates the text following it if any button is pressed
Activates the text following it if any button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is pressed
Activates the text following it if the specified button is not pressed
The variables beginning ${IF_*}, ${IF_NOT_*} and ${ELSE} are used to conditionally display or ignore the text in the config file which follows it, upto the next ${END_IF} (or end of the line).
Note that IF conditions cannot span lines in the text file (unless the line ends with the ‘\’ line concatentation character).
Variables which do not begin with ${IF specify dedicated jukebox status such as song names, etc.
Each line in the Contents file corresponds to a unique line in the status output, and are therefore treated separately.
A single line in the status object can be split across multiple lines in the Contents file, to aid readability.
If a line ends with the ‘\’ character, then it is joined with the following line, allowing long and/or complex expressions to be split across multiple lines, but treated as one line entry.
Each status box can also include images for cover art for the currently playing song, and other user defined bitmaps.
Any image will be scaled to cover the entire status box.
Hint: For best performance, it is advisable to limit the number of $ variables in a status box. It is better to group status variables together depending upon when they change; for example try not to mix status which changes regularly (like now playing elapsed time) with status that doesn’t change regularly (such as ‘coming up’ status) in one status box.
This is because the entire contents of a status box is re-drawn if just one element changes.
14: Sound Effects
Sound effects can be added in status objects by using the Sound parameter.
These are then referenced in the status Contents file using the ${PLAY_SOUND} and ${STOP_SOUND} variables.
This flexibility allows sound effects to be played under many different conditions, such as … button presses, song loading/unloading, coin insertion, title strip movements, song selections, etc.
15: Status Flags
Four status flags allow for inter-status communication and user triggered status events.
Each status flag can be set high or low from button presses (toggle) and/or status $variables.
The values of the flags can be read in status objects, allowing support for functionality such as…
1. Inter status communication:
for example one status object could toggle a flag with a certain timer tick period which could then be detected in a different status object with a different timer tick period. This would allow status to “time-out” after being started from a different timer period (or a button press).
2. Button invoked status display:
The ‘Flag*’ buttons can be used to turn on and off status information.
In addition to the above, the DynamicEnableFlag parameter in some display objects can be used to directly enable or disable any dynamic parameters the object has.
16: GPIO Input/Output
fruitbox can use the GPIO pins for both input and output:
When a button is defined which uses a GPIO pin, the GPIO pin is automatically configured as an input, with an internal pullup resistor. You then just have to ensure that the hardware button is connected between this GPIO pin and GND. Both normally-open and normally-closed switches are supported (fruitbox will auto-detect the type on power-up, so ensure no buttons are pressed when fruitbox is started).
When a ${SET_GPIO*} variable is encountered in a status object Contents file, the specified GPIO pin is automatically configured as an output.
Note that if the same pin is defined in both the button mapping file and a status object, then input will take precedence over the output, hence the status output will not work.
The fruitbox developer assumes no responsibility for any damage caused to the Raspberry Pi or connected hardware due to the use of the GPIO pins from fruitbox, so please make sure you choose your GPIO pin assignments carefully 😉